Having this coffee this morning—making me miss Seattle!
The juxtaposition of this is poetic.

I really enjoyed The Batman. I try not to rank other films, so not sure where I feel it falls with other Batman films. I love longer films that are slower with beautiful wide shots, and man, did this one deliver.
It was so nice having my parents in town and my aunt and uncle easily visiting from LA.

\”I would have liked to have seen Montana.\”

I’m guessing they didn’t plan a lot of fight choreography for Matrix Resurrections, and that’s why Neo kept Hadokening everyone.
Infinite Grid
Infinite Grid is a limited edition series of art by Dan Savage. I picked up a few and they are incredible. Get your own here by December 31 at https://www.infinitegrid.art.

The most underrated Keanu Reeves film is Constantine.