Avengers: Doomsday

Avengers: Doomsday with Robert Downey Jr. as…Victor Von Doom. This is likely a Tony Stark variant but to say I’m extremely disappointed is an understatement. I love RDJ. I love the MCU. This feels extremely lazy. Having to revert to RDJ and the Russo Brothers validates to me that they failed. I can’t wait for… Continue reading

My aunt and two uncles visiting today. I used to stay at their homes all the time as a kid and college student. Now I get to return the favor in hosting them. One thing I’ve learned being a child of refugees is safe shelter is such a gift.

The importance of a portfolio and progression towards proof of impact. When you’re early in your career, having a really strong portfolio is the only thing people have to go off of. As you progress the evidence will be more on the proof of impact in your previous roles—success metrics, outcomes, results of the work…. Continue reading