
I got to go to the 140 Twitter Conference, sponsored by Seattle’s Parnassus Group this last September. I went to Los Angeles with my friend Adam and we spent two days at the conference. I know in my YouTube video it says I just got back; truth is I didn’t get around to putting the video together until about a month after the fact.

The conference offered some great panel discussions about Twitter and an opportunity to connect with people; from people you’ve never heard of and your Twitter friends whom you’ve never met. It was so nice to finally meet @MayhemStudios, @iJustine and @GuyKawasaki. I met a great new friend in @Orchid8, who actually interviewed me for Featured Users.

The next 140 Twitter Conference is supposed to be in Seattle, and I highly recommend it. Not only will you be in my city, but you’ll get an opportunity to connect with some great friends and learn valuable things at the conference. Hope to see you at the Seattle one.

Check out the Flickr photos. I didn’t upload them all, but will in the future:

Were you at the conference? What were your thoughts?

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